Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Website Review

Review of : http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/index.cfm
This site is a great resource! It has study guides for every grammar point! Great for teachers to quickly reference a grammar point because it is fairly comprehensive and well categorized and layed out. This site is interactive as well for the ESL learners and has many interesting features that greatly assists is acquiring English grammar. My favorite option is the extensive minimal pair list that gives definitions and audio files for the students to hear and read the difference in words that are similar! This site even covers punctuation in writing skills, information rarely found but necessary! The only negative feature of this site is that beyond reference materials it has no use because the test and quizzes are for paying members only. That puts this site at 3.5 nods out of 5 because of trying to be a money maker rather then strictly educational. I would recommend this site for ESL students of all levels to look up and read through for specific grammar points -the tutorials are fabulous-easy to understand and you can find very detailed topics.

Web Review

Website review of : The English Forum
This website at first is extremely wordy- the homepage is full of information that is all over the page with many different highlighted links in no random order. If you click on a link it will take you quickly to whatever is suggested or highlighted. The site claims to be "A resource for students and teachers of English" This site is loaded with information, quizzes, exercises, self-study guides and links to concordances, dictionaries, links to newscasts and weather and even has a review by country of English schools! This site is not level specific and the quizzes and exercises vary, there is no specific level mentioned and sometimes will say "easy" or "difficult". I would say to navigate this site because it is so full of info. and advertisements, that the students would need to be at least a level 2 to navigate and actually find what a learner is looking for. For a teacher the quizzes /exercises would prove to be useful and are listed under several categories. The site overall once you find a selection is interactive and provides answers to the activities you choose. I would rate this site 3.5 out of five nods simply because of lack of level specific options as well as an info. overload layout- and TOO MANY ADVERTISEMENTS!